We are a one-stop center for all of your job-seeking needs. We help all job seekers, from experienced to entry level and first-time employees. We do the recruiting and assessment so the employer doesn't have to. Our team of job developers will help you find a career-track position with one of 450+ local companies.

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Resume Assistance, Computer Skill Development, Education Advancement, Employer Referrals

Whether our clients need assistance drafting a resume, gaining computer skills, obtaining a GED, or a referral to our extensive network of service providers, we can meet their needs. Our multilingual staff is trained to help overcome language difficulties. We have worked with a diverse set of clients and have helped overcome a wide range of employment barriers, including ex-offender status, homelessness, transportation issues, and more.

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General Info

From the moment a prospective job seeker enters our office, we initiate a plan for success.

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Job Placement Services

Career Pathways helps job seekers find and keep employment.


Online Registration/Intake

Job seekers can fill out an online inquiry form or come in during weekly intake and orientation hours



Greater West Town Project works with hundreds of employer partners in the Chicagoland area to fill job orders and find the best-fit candidates for their unique business needs.


Participant Success

Ivette Roman is a 32-years-old single mother of a five-year-old daughter. Before coming to seek the assistance of Greater West Town Project’s (GWTP) Career Pathways program, Ivette had been a hostess at a steakhouse, but she had been at that job for less than six months, and it was not a good fit. Only two days after leaving her hostess job, Ivette came to GWTP after learning about the Career Pathways employment services from her older sister who was currently working at GWTP through the agency’s Transitional Jobs Program. 

During her meetings with the Career Pathways employment specialists, Ivette revealed that a significant part of her employment history was working in hotels, and that she enjoyed her 13 years in that industry. After assessing professional interests and doing a skills assessment, Ivette completed the Career Pathways full Job Readiness Training (JRT) program, including résumé preparation, job interviewing skills, job application support. Ivette also received supportive services so she would have reliable transportation to JRT and in the early stages of new employment.

Ivette wanted to work immediately, so before GWTP found a permanent position for her, they introduced her to a hospitality staffing agency so she could work while continuing to work with Career Pathways to find her perfect fit job. GWTP Employment Specialist, Liliana Rosa, said that “I think she was feeling anxious and disillusioned about the time it took to get placed, and temporarily took the lower paying job to pay bills. She was persistent, punctual, and came in whenever we asked. She was willing to do anything just to make sure she got the job.” Within less than a month after accepting temporary work, GWTP employment specialists found her a full-time, permanent job with Hyatt Corporation making $18.75 an hour. Even after completing Job Readiness Training and finding immediate employment, GWTP employment specialists continued the search to find her a career with a living wage, and continued to follow up with her. Now she is back in the industry that she loves, and earning the money that she needs to take care of her daughter and set new goals in life.